Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform interested parties about the conditions under which personal data obtained via our website (the “Website”) will be processed, as required by applicable legislation.

Persons accessing and or the Website will be considered users (the “Users”), in which capacity they must know and accept the conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy.

2. Who is the Data Controller?

Tax No.: B13745716
Address: C/Severo Ochoa 34, 29590 Málaga
Telephone: +34663419574

3. Where is the personal data collected?

AG-PHOTONICS collects information from Users when they make use of functionalities on the Website that require them to provide certain personal data. Specifically, AG-PHOTONICS records the following information:

Emails: personal data voluntarily supplied by Users via the aforesaid form (if available in the public webpage) or when they contact us by email (including but not limited to name and email address, and, where applicable, the personal data contained in the User's curriculum vitae).

4. What is the purpose of data processing?

The personal data supplied to us by Users via the forms and online functionalities enabled on the Website will be processed for the purposes and under the legal terms and conditions outlined below:

Consent by the data subject (art. 6.1(a) of the GDPR)
To respond to contact requests related with AG-PHOTONICS’s business submitted by Users via email.
In order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (art. 6.1(b) of the GDPR)
To attend to requests related to selection processes for jobs offered by AG-PHOTONICS, submitted by Users via the forms enabled on the Website and/or by email.
Compliance with the legal obligations to which AG-PHOTONICS is subject as a consequence of processing pursuant to the preceding paragraph (art. 6.1(c) of the GDPR)

5. Are the personal data communicated to third parties?

The personal data of Users are not communicated to any third parties, except to comply with any legal obligations incumbent upon AG-PHOTONICS.

6. How long do we keep your data?

Personal data will be stored by AG-PHOTONICS:
In the case of sending emails, only for as long as necessary to fulfil and manage the specific contact request submitted by the User concerned.
In the case of the “Join our team” requests, for the duration of the selection process for which the User is applying.
At the end of the aforementioned period, Users’ personal data may be blocked and stored by AG-PHOTONICS to address any possible liabilities arising as a consequence of processing, but only until such liabilities may lapse. At the end of the prescription period, the personal data will be deleted by AG-PHOTONICS.

7. How can I update my personal data?

The User warrants that the personal data provided to AG-PHOTONICS via the Website are true, accurate, current and complete. Users may notify AG-PHOTONICS of any change in the data and update the same accordingly by in by letter or email at the postal and email addresses mentioned below in the section “What are my rights? “following the instructions contained therein.

8. What happens if I provide AG-PHOTONICS with personal data belonging to third parties?

In general, Users are not permitted to provide any personal data belonging to third parties. In the event that a User should provide any personal data belonging to third parties, however, the User shall inform the third-party data subjects concerned of the contents of this Privacy Policy before including and communicating their data to AG-PHOTONICS. The User warrants that he/she has obtained the prior consent of such third-party data subjects for the communication of their personal data to AG-PHOTONICS for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

9. What are my rights?

Users are entitled to withdraw their consent to processing of their data at any time. Users may approach AG-PHOTONICS from time to time to exercise their rights of access, rectification, elimination and portability of personal data, limitation and objection to processing, and the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated data processing procedures, where applicable.
For these purposes, they may utilize the following channel, in all cases attaching a photocopy of their identity card or any other document providing proof of identity:
By email addressed to:
Finally, where a User may know or believe that a given matter could involve a breach of applicable personal data protection legislation, he/she may file a complain with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

10. Updates and changes to the Privacy Policy

AG-PHOTONICS reserves right to amend this Privacy Policy. Any changes that may be made will be communicated to Users via notices posted on the Website, by email or by any other appropriate procedure given the circumstances.

Legal Notice

1. Ownership of the domain

AG-PHOTONICS, S.L. (hereinafter “AG-PHOTONICS”) is the owner of the domain and of the website published and hosted in said domain in order to inform users (whether natural persons or legal entities) about the corporate identity, products and services of the company.
The following general information is provided to users of (hereinafter the “Site” or the “Website”) in accordance with prevailing legislation in Spain:

Head Office: C/Severo Ochoa 34, 29590 Málaga.
Tax No.: B13745716
Postal address: C/Severo Ochoa 34, 29590 Málaga.
Email (contact address):
Telephone: +34663419574

2. Condition of use

The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and the terms of this Legal Notice. The User shall be liable to AG-PHOTONICS or relevant third parties for any damages caused as a consequence of any breach of the above undertaking.
The Website shall on no account be used with intent to cause harm to the assets or interest of AG-PHOTONICS, or to overload, damage or otherwise incapacitate the networks and servers (hardware) or products and applications (software) of AG-PHOTONICS or third parties.

3. Industrial and Intellectual Property

The Website, including its graphic design and content, including by way of example all and any texts, photographs, images software and other content, are the intellectual property of AG-PHOTONICS or third parties who have licensed AG-PHOTONICS to use the same, and no rights to use such items recognized under prevailing intellectual property legislation will be deemed to transferred to Users. In particular, Users shall refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, providing, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the content, except as may be strictly necessary to navigate the Website, in the cases permitted by Law or otherwise expressly authorized by AG-PHOTONICS.

All distinguishing signs and symbols (brands, trade names and so on) are the property of AG-PHOTONICS, and accessing the Website will not be understood to confer on Users any rights over said brands, trade names and/or distinguishing signs.

4. Exemption from liability

4.1 Availability of the service

AG-PHOTONICS endeavours to keep its Website operating on an error-free, secure basis. However, Users agree that they use the Website entirely under their own responsibility. The Website is provided as is, without any express or implicit guarantee and, accordingly, we do not offer any assurances as to its marketability or appropriateness for any given purpose, except as may be legally required in accordance with applicable legislation, and we do not guarantee that there will be no interruption of access and use of the Website, or that the same is completely free of errors. Access to the Website requires the provision of services by third parties, including transmission over telecommunications networks, the reliability, quality, security, continuity and functioning of which is not the responsibility of AG-PHOTONICS and is not under our control. AG-PHOTONICS shall not be liable for any faults or disconnection of telecommunications networks or other services provided by third parties, where such may result in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of access to the Website.

4.2 Content and services accessed via links on the Website

The Website may include links allowing Users to access other Internet sites and portals (the “Linked Sites”). In these cases, AG-PHOTONICSacts as the intermediary service provider in accordance with article 17 of the Spanish Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Act (Law 34/2002, of 12 July) and is liable only for the content and services provided in the Linked Sites insofar as it may be actually aware that such content and services are unlawful and may fail to act with due diligence to deactivate the link. If a User considers that the content of a Linked Site is unlawful or inappropriate, he/she may inform AG-PHOTONICS in accordance with the procedure and for the purposes established in clause 5 below. Reporting a site in this way will not in any way oblige AG-PHOTONICS to remove the link concerned.
Under no circumstances shall the existence of Linked Sites presuppose the existence of agreements with the controllers or owners of such sites, or any recommendation, promotion or identification on the part of AG-PHOTONICS with regard to the representations, contents or services provided.

4.3 Website security

Connections to the Website are made over open networks, and AG-PHOTONICS therefore does not control the security of data communications or of devices connected to the internet. The User shall be responsible for applying adequate tools to detect, prevent and disinfect viruses and malware. Users will find further information on free tools for the detection of malware (viruses, Trojans, etc.) on the OSI website:

AG-PHOTONICS shall not be liable for any damages caused by the actions of third parties to Users’ devices while they are connected to the Website, or for any breaches of security or of the confidentiality of information transmitted by third-party telecommunications devices or networks, or as a consequence of any software or hardware vulnerabilities that may exist in a User’s own devices.

5. Reporting of unlawful and inappropriate third-party activities or servicesWhere a User or other third party may become aware that any of the Linked Sites, content or other services facilitated via the Website are in any way unlawful, improper, denigrating, violent or unethical, or that they infringe the rights of third parties, such User or Third Party may contact AG-PHOTONICS, providing the following particulars:
Whistle-blower’s particulars: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. AG-PHOTONICS will process the personal data voluntarily provided in this connection for the sole purpose of dealing with the matter reported. You may exercise your rights in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy. Omission of any of the aforementioned data may mean that AG-PHOTONICS is unable to handle the matter in question, notwithstanding any voluntary investigations we may make.
Description of matters showing the content or service concerned to be unlawful or improper.
In the event of any breach of any intellectual or industrial property rights, or any other rights of which AG-PHOTONICS might not be aware, you should furnish appropriate documentation to substantiate the existence and ownership of the legal right breached. You should also provide the particulars of the holder of the right or rights concerned in the breach where such person or entity is not the person reporting the matter, as well as any power of attorney allowing the latter to act on behalf of the rights-holder.
Express representations as to the truthfulness of the information contained in the complaint. Receipt by AG-PHOTONICS of any communication pursuant to this clause shall not mean that the same has actual knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the whistleblower, in accordance with the Spanish Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Act.

6. Data Protection

Users who wish to be informed of the nature of data processing on the Website may consult our Privacy Policy.

The Website only utilizes such “technical” cookies as may be necessary to ensure proper functioning and provision of the services offered (e.g. online application forms).

7.Validity and termination

AG-PHOTONICS reserves the right to amend this Legal Notice from time to time and undertakes to publish any change made in the same manner as this Notice, or by any other appropriate means of communication with Users or procedure.
Accordingly, the term of this Legal Notice will be equal to the time for which it is published, until it may be subsequently amended, whether in whole or in part, at which time the amended version of the Legal Notice will enter into full force and effect. Accordingly, Users should read this Legal Notice carefully each time they access the Website.
AG-PHOTONICS may terminate, suspend or otherwise interrupt access to the Website or any of the services provided via the same at any time without prior notice, and Users will not be entitled to demand any indemnification as a consequence. The prohibitions established above with respect to the use of content will remain in force even after termination of the Website and/or services.

8. Applicable law

All matters referring to our Website and this Legal Notice will be governed exclusively by Spanish law.